Elevate Your Spirit

Changing the World, One Song at a Time

Earth Matters has been described as “Laid-back, POP-sitively charged ART-ivist music to inspire change around the World”.

Earth Matters is a music and media project that seeks to change the World, one media post at a time!

Combining reggae infused rhythms into pop/rock driven music and melodies, Earth Matters focuses on delivering powerful art-ivist lyrics anyone can understand and relate to.

And that’s where you come in! By learning from each other we can create a community that can find a sense of belonging, happiness and purpose. By working on ourselves everyday, and connecting through music and media, we can work on things that take us from being in a funk, moving together to a state of flow!

We all want what’s best for us, but most of us are not aware that what is good for us is also good for the Earth. For example, if we choose to eat local and organic products, we’ll not only be healthier, but we’ll be contributing to agricultural practices that benefit the soil, the plants and the environment, which in turn, contributes to our beautiful blue planet. So it’s a win win for everyone! Earth matters because each and every single one of us matter!

That’s why change can only start with ourselves. We can all change the World and we don’t need to wait for Superman or Batman to show up. We don’t even need to wait for the Gandhis, the Einsteins and the Mother Theresas, because the power of unity and working as a global community will exponentially

So, to sum things up, Earth Matters is a pop-tivist project dedicated to spread knowledge and good vibes to help us connect with ourselves, and every living thing on Earth. Join me on this journey towards a better you, a better us and a better Earth!

About Ivan

Why am I here?

Welcome Wellness Warriors and thanks for stopping by! I’m Ivan.

All my life I’ve dreamed of doing something meaningful and I was fortunate to have discovered music at an early age. I used to struggle with finding my purpose in life until I found music. Music is an important part of who i am and it has always been there with me. I played different instruments most of my life and while not easy, eventually I was able to live from my passion.

But, you see, something was missing. Working on music was an enormous privilege but I felt it wasn’t making any kind impact in the world.

Just then, something rocked my World. After many financial ups and downs that come from making a living from music, I was finally having a stable stream of income. And I was fortunate to become a father in the year 2010. This is where the real magic happened for me! I’ve learned so much from my three daughters and I feel I’ve grown exponentially as a human being and it made me realize that there really is a way to positively impact the World, and it all starts with whatever your talent is.

It was then I realized that my music could serve a higher purpose and be a powerful force for positive change in the world. And that’s how Earth Matters came to be. These days, I am constantly devoted to becoming a better father, husband and musician. I truly believe that most of us would be happier if we pursued our true passion and found a way to serve others in the process. That is my mission through Earth Matters.

When I started working on becoming a better father this led me to become a better human being. As I kept growing and learning from my mistakes, I felt like people were entitled to know about the real World that many of us unintentionally avoid. A world of disconnection where countless species of animals and plants are suffering needlessly through our modern day practices.

And that’s when it hit me… I decided to create this project, bigger than myself. A project not just ME but for US. I’ve realized the reason I love music is because it transcends our differences big and small, and brings people together in ways you’d never expect. That is why the people in power have traditionally feared music and arts more than they fear weapons. With your help, music and media can spread like wild fire!

What Our Fans Say

Earth Matters’ music has been a source of joy and inspiration for me. Their positive messages resonate deeply and have helped me through tough times.

Jane D

Listening to Earth Matters has been a transformative experience. Their songs uplift my spirit and remind me of the beauty in the world.

John S

Their music is a breath of fresh air in today’s world. Earth Matters combines great tunes with meaningful lyrics that truly make a difference.

Emily J

I’ve been a fan since their first song. Earth Matters’ dedication to positive change through music is truly inspiring.

Michael B

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