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Here’s What The Fans Are Saying:

“Really quite good– to have such a catchy song, coupled by written content,- relaying the truth. A great way to spread this terribly important information, & get people to thinking & learning. – With a growing & continued awareness , this piece of music could very well, make the top 10! GREAT JOB! I will now make it a point to start listening to your music.” – Valerie N

“Fantastic! Thank you for spreading awareness. (and the song) I no longer buy any product from the companies you mentioned – also a few more.” – Peter

“Great rhythmical flow and melodic info!!” Eric Brandt


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Save The World…One Song At A Time

About the Artist

I used to struggle with finding my purpose in life until I found music. I was eventually fortunate for making music full-time, but it stoped being enough when I became a father. I realized that my music could serve a higher purpose and be a powerful force for positive change in the world. And that’s how Earth Matters came to be.
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